Newton House, Faversham, Kent

Newton House in Faversham, Kent

Newton House sleeps 7 people

Newton House has 4 bedrooms

Pets allowed

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Find some other holidays near Newton House...

If Newton House isn't the holiday for you, have a look at these other holidays around the area. You have another 15 holidays to look at.

These holidays are within 5 miles of Newton House

Box Cottage

Box Cottage in Kent
Sleeps 4
2 Bedrooms
Eastling, Kent

The Garden Wing at Mount Ephraim

The Garden Wing at Mount Ephraim in Kent
Sleeps 12
6 Bedrooms

The Coach House Stables

The Coach House Stables in Kent
Sleeps 6
3 Bedrooms
Hernhill, England

4 Country View Park

4 Country View Park in Kent
Sleeps 4
2 Bedrooms
Graveney near Seasalter

Poppys Cottage

Poppys Cottage in Kent
Sleeps 6
3 Bedrooms
Faversham, Kent

Other places nearby

These places are near to Newton House, and have a 'top 10' collection of cottages.

Badlesmere (5 miles)
Barrow Green (5 miles)
Bay View (5 miles)
Blacketts (5 miles)
Boughton Street (3 miles)
Broom Street (1 miles)
Cellarhill (4 miles)
Clapham Hill (5 miles)
Conyer (4 miles)
Copton (2 miles)
Culmers (2 miles)
Dargate (3 miles)
Dargate Common (4 miles)
Davington (1 miles)
Deerton Street (3 miles)
Denstroude (5 miles)
Eastling (5 miles)

Faversham (1 miles)
Fostall (3 miles)
Fowley Island (4 miles)
Gosmere (3 miles)
Graveney (2 miles)
Gushmere (3 miles)
Hernhill (3 miles)
Hickmans Green (3 miles)
Highstreet (4 miles)
Hockley (5 miles)
Hogben’s Hill (4 miles)
Leaveland (5 miles)
Lewson Street (4 miles)
Leysdown-on-Sea (5 miles)
Loyterton (4 miles)
Lynsted (5 miles)
Neames Forstal (3 miles)

Newnham (5 miles)
North Eastling (5 miles)
Norton Ash (3 miles)
Oare (1 miles)
Ospringe (2 miles)
Oversland (3 miles)
Painter’s Forstal (3 miles)
Pean Hill (5 miles)
Perrywood (4 miles)
Plumford (3 miles)
Preston (1 miles)
Radfield (5 miles)
Rhode Common (4 miles)
Seasalter (5 miles)
Selling (3 miles)
Sheldwich (3 miles)
Sheldwich Lees (3 miles)

Shottenden (5 miles)
Staplestreet (2 miles)
Teynham (4 miles)
Teynham Street (4 miles)
The Brents (1 miles)
Throwley (5 miles)
Throwley Forstal (5 miles)
Tong Green (5 miles)
Waterham (3 miles)
Wilgate Green (3 miles)
Winterbourne (4 miles)
Yewhedges (5 miles)
Yorkletts (4 miles)
Newton House